I'm Ewa

Front-end developer
based in Cyprus

Contact me

About me

Hello and Γειά σας! My name is Ewa Andruszkiewicz, which I realise might be a challenge to pronounce but Eva is just fine ;) I am a Polish front-end developer based in Nicosia, Cyprus. I actually started building my first HTML blog about 15 years ago but unfortunatelly got discouraged due to lack of accessible guidelines, information and, well... the fact that I was a teenage girl who got easily distracted with other things.
Recently I found my way back to coding and I am very impressed with the wonderful things you can create with it! The possibilities are endless, and as a developer it gives me great pleasure to expand my skills with every new challange!
If you are looking for someone to build your project with a clean, elegant and efficient code, don't hesitate to get in touch. I create neat, multipage websites and the front end (that is the part that the user interacts with directly) of applications. Bellow you can see my recent projects and a list of technologies I work with.

Tools I use

HTML icon


CSS icon


JavaScript icon

Java Script

VSC icon


Bootstrap icon


GitHub icon


API icon


Flexbox icon


Hosting icon


Responsive icon


SEO icon


React icon


My Projects

RPS game

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

A very simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game created in HTML, CSS and JS, with a focus on implementing DOM methods. In the UI, the player is able to play against the computer. After 5 successfull rounds, the game announces the winner.

See the project
RPS game

Weather App in JS

An app showing current and forecasted weather, both for users' location as well as any other city in the world. Created with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, using Bootstrap, API and AJAX technologies as well as DevOps practices. Fully responsive for different screen sizes.

See the project
Weather App
Website on doughnuts

React Dictionary App

Dictionary app built in ReactJS. The app uses two separate APIs for rendering pictures and definitions. Uses such functionalities as carousel display gallery, audio play buttons and collapsable elements. Fully responsive for different screen sizes.

See the project
Dictionary App

React Weather App

A weather application built in ReactJS, with the styling usage of CSS and Bootstrap. Functional search engine using Open Weather Map APIs for current and forecasted weather, also including user's geolocation. Having such extras as conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit, changing background and color palette depending on the weather and day time, as well as a carousel used to present a 6-day forecast.

See the project
Weather App JS
Calculator app

Calculator App

Fully functional calculator. The content and interface were created in HTML and CSS (using FlexBox) but the real magic happend 'under the hood'. Calculator's engine was created in Vanilla JavaScript, allowing to store the data input by the user, present them on two screens and make requested calculations.

See the project
Calculator App